Starfish Album Covers

Each record is hand painted and printed by Shannon Bodrogi and Jian Giannini.

They were created using paper lithography, an alternative photographic printmaking technique. Additional mediums include watercolor, acrylic, collage, and ink. The one hundred covers of unique and varying styles, mediums and themes, reflect the single they are housing. “Starfish” is loosely about the perceived metamorphosing of humanity, both figuratively and literally. How at times, people can seem to lose their human form with enough distance, whether physical or emotional and the new shapes and associations that are brought to light with this space.

Starfish, being invertebrates, are always changing form, twisting their bodies into an illimitable amount of shapes and contortions. We paralleled this idea of infinite distortion of form using scans of our hands, arms, faces, hair, etc. As a whole, the body of work has a feeling of deliberate chaos and grungy intricacies, much like the single itself.

This is a selection from the over 100 individual covers made for this album - you can see them all at Pretty Penny Records

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